Using thickened liquids for safer swallowing

Thickened liquids give you better control of the liquid in your mouth. They help slow down the flow rate of liquids, which lessens the chance of liquid going into your airway or “going down the wrong pipe.”

Liquids that go into your airway end up in your lungs. Liquids in your lungs can cause pneumonia or a lung infection.

Thickeners are widely available

You can find gels, powders, or natural thickening agents online or at your local pharmacy or medical supplier. Thickener brands include:

Liquids that may need thickening

Some liquids are naturally thicker, others will need a thickener to get to the consistency that's easiest for you to swallow. Both hot and cold drinks can be thickened.

You'll likely need to thicken:

What does it taste like?

Most drinks can be thickened without changing the taste. The change in consistency, though, may take some getting used to.

There are different levels of thickness

Your health care team may have suggested a recommended thickness for adjusting thin liquids. Here is a standard range of thicknesses.

Try making your own thickener

Soup broths and other flavored liquids can be thickened with household ingredients, such as:

It's more complicated using one of these thickeners, since you have to experiment to get the desired thickness.

Some good thickener practices