Voluntary Life Insurance

Voluntary Life Insurance

Connect with an employee benefits representative to explore your Voluntary Life insurance options today.

Voluntary Life Insurance

What Is Life Insurance?

Employees don’t want to worry about the unexpected. Help protect their financial futures and support the families who depend on your employees’ paychecks by offering Life Insurance. This benefit pays a beneficiary (a person an employee chooses) a lump sum amount upon an employee’s death.

Life Insurance Benefits Overview

Learn More About Life Insurance

Discover how our Life insurance can support your employees in this video.

Why Employees Need Life Insurance

Life insurance can help relieve financial strain for families and beneficiaries after an employee’s death. Payouts can range from a flat dollar amount to multiples of an employee’s salary (e.g., 3x the salary). The Hartford's Life insurance also provides other services to an employee and their family, like will preparation, funeral planning, travel assistance and more.

Despite the importance of this protection, less than a third of consumers say they are “very” or “extremely” knowledgeable about Life insurance. 1 And 44% of Millennials overestimate the annual cost of this benefit. 2

Life insurance is a key element of financial security. Among insureds with financial dependents, 68% say they feel secure compared with only 47% of non-insureds. 2 Offering these benefits can help empower your employees to protect what matters most, in the moments when it’s most needed.

What Life Insurance Covers

Our Term Life insurance offers more than just death benefits. The following options are also available:

Life Insurance Is Flexible

We can help employers choose the Life insurance plan that best suits their employees’ needs, including:

Get the facts about Voluntary Life plans from The Hartford’s Employee Choice Benefits. SM

Employee Benefits Beyond Insurance

Benefits Beyond Insurance

Employees may have access to resources and services that can support their life holistically.

Where to Next?

5759r NS 06/22 Life Form Series includes GBD-1000, GBD-1100, or state equivalent. * More plan design options available.

1 https://www.limra.com/en/newsroom/news-releases/2021/2021-insurance-barometer-study-reveals-common-misconceptions-that-prevent-americans-from-getting-life-insurance-they-know-they-need/, viewed as of 6/24/22.

2 LIMRA 2022 Life Insurance Barometer Study: 2022 Insurance Barometer Study (limra.com), viewed as of 6/24/22.