Installing ClearCase silently using a response file

Use Installation Manager silent mode to install ClearCase® silently using a response file in environments that do not support a GUI.

Before you begin

Make sure that Installation Manager is installed on the system you will use to install the ClearCase product package. See IBM Installation Manager tasks.

About this task

Silent installation requires a response file that contains information and option settings for installing a product package. A response file is an XML file that contains data required to complete installation operations silently.

For information about sample response files for ClearCase , see Sample response file: Installing a package.

Note: For more information about silent installation, search for Working in silent mode in the Installation Manager documentation for the version that you are using.


To install a package silently
  1. Prepare the package file to install.
For example:'/>' features=' '/> 
    Add the repository location for Installation Manager into the downloaded response file:
An example of a response file after adding the repository location for Installation Manager :
 esd_image_root/diskTag.inf'/> esd_image_root/InstallerImage_$platform'/> 
An example of a response file after adding the offering keys for Installation Manager:
  IBM DevOps SDLC' id='' version='' features=' '/> 
Note: To display progress text to the console add -showVerboseProgress to the command.


For more information about Installation Manager and complete instructions for working in silent mode, see the Installation Manager documentation for the version that you have installed.