MongoDB Cheat Sheet (Basics to Advanced)

MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, offers high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive guide to MongoDB commands, queries, and operators, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and advanced users.

Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB Commands Cheat Sheet

Basic Commands

  1. Start MongoDB Shell
  2. Connecting to MongoDB
  3. Show Databases
  4. Use a Database
  5. Show Collections
  6. Create a Collection
  7. Drop a Collection
  8. Drop a Database

Data Insertion Commands

  1. Insert One Document
  2. Insert Multiple Documents

MongoDB Query Cheat Sheet

Basic Queries

  1. Find One Document
  2. Find Multiple Documents

Query Operators

MongoDB Aggregation Cheat Sheet

Aggregation operations process data records and return computed results. These operations group values from multiple documents together and can perform various operations on the grouped data to return a single result.

Basic Aggregation Commands

MongoDB Shell Commands Cheat Sheet

  1. List Databases
  2. List Collections
  3. Switch Database
  4. Create Collection

MongoDB Compass Query Cheat Sheet

MongoDB Compass provides a graphical interface to manage MongoDB databases. Here's how to perform some basic queries:

  1. Find All Documents
  2. Filter Documents
  3. Aggregation Pipeline

MongoDB Syntax Cheat Sheet

CRUD Operations





MongoDB Operators Cheat Sheet

Comparison Operators

  1. $eq: Matches values that are equal to a specified value.
  2. $gt: Matches values that are greater than a specified value.
  3. $lt: Matches values that are less than a specified value.

Logical Operators

Advanced MongoDB Queries Cheat Sheet


User Management

Backup and Restore


This MongoDB cheat sheet serves as a quick reference guide for developers and database administrators. It covers essential commands, query syntax, aggregation operations, and more to help you manage and interact with your MongoDB databases efficiently. Keep this cheat sheet handy to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity with MongoDB.

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